"I Will Come to You"
During the sacrament meeting today, I was having trouble focusing, so I watched the young men passing the sacrament.
At first, I noticed how the sacrament is offered to us, but it is "proffered," as the song I Stand All Amazed points out. I remembered years ago, one of my religion teachers pointed out the phrase "proffers" in the song. Christ doesn't just offer us His gift; He brings it to where we are. We do not go up and partake as the Catholics do; instead, young priesthood holders bring the gift right to us.
Then I noticed how a tray of water ran out. The young man passing the sacrament got a new tray for the last two people in the congregation. It made me think about how, at times, there is a second blessing of the sacrament to make sure that every member of the congregation receives both the bread and water. This will be done even for the one.
An entire new tray or new blessing for one member. Christ would perform the atonement just for the one. If I was the only sinner on earth, He still would have gone to Gesthamne and Calvary for me. It wouldn't matter that I am just one because to Him, just one is priceless. I am priceless. You are priceless.
Then the young man went out to the foyer to attend to one patron sitting in the foyer. They weren't in the chapel, yet the gift of the sacrament, the atonement, was offered to them all the same. It reminded me of shut-ins and how those who cannot attend church have the sacrament brought to them. It doesn't matter that they are not in the chapel or even the church; the gift is brought to them. Christ meets them where they are. He comes to them.
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." - John 14:18
Wherever you are physically, emotionally, or spiritually, He will meet you. He will bring His gift of the atonement to you.
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